
and upcoming events

SLOZC  ·  Upcoming Events

Sunday, November 3 • Jukai Ceremony

Sunday, November 17, 2024 • Hossen Ceremony for Deborah Fuku-an West

Friday evening, December 6 thru Saturday, December 14 • Rohatsu Sesshin

Wednesdays • 7-8pm • On Zoom

Besides being a perfect follow-up for those who have already taken Intro to Zen Meditation, Wednesday evening’s Exploring Your Zen Practice is open to everyone: members of ZCLA, friends, and anyone with an interest in Zen practice.

Exploring Your Zen Practice takes place on Zoom and will be guided by a ZCLA Dharma Holder, who will answer questions you may have about your sitting practice, with special attention given to any problems you are encountering. In addition, discussions of other practice topics may arise when there is interest from participants.

The class takes place on Wednesdays, but there are some weeks throughout the year when ZCLA is closed or we are in a retreat, so check our full calendar to make sure the class is happening on your chosen Wednesday!

For any questions, please email Kaigen at

Join Zoom Meeting here

Meeting ID 815 7103 6299

Passcode Wed22